About ClimaMeter
🌍ClimaMeter is a rapid experimental framework for putting weather extremes in a climate perspective, developed by the ESTIMR team at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace) in Paris-Saclay. ClimaMeter is led by Davide Faranda (CNRS & London Mathematical Laboratory), Mathieu Vrac (CNRS), Pascal Yiou (CEA-Saclay) & Robert Vautard (IPSL), in collaboration with Gabriele Messori (Uppsala University, Uppsala), Erika Coppola (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste) and Tommaso Alberti (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome).
⏳We provide an easily interpretable contextualisation of extreme weather immediately after the actual event, as well as a more technical description and discussion of the event with a slightly longer delay.
⛈️ You can find the most recent events here, and a list of past events here.
🧾Climameter operates a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. You are free to share our material as long as you: give us appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made; do not use our material for commercial purposes; do not remix, transform, build upon or modify in any way the material; do not impose any additional restrictions on the material.
⚒️ The Methodology employed in ClimaMeter has been developed over several years by the ESTIMR team at LSCE. Davide Faranda, together with Pascal Yiou, Mathieu Vrac, Robert Vautard, Soulivanh Thao and Flavio Pons collectively designed and refined the methodology that now underpins ClimaMeter's functionality. Other colleagues have also contributed to Climameter: Burak Bulut, Andreia Hisi, Yoann Robin, Mireia Ginesta, Robin Noyelle, Lia Rapella, Nemo Malhomme, Meriem Krouma, Stella Bourdin, Camille Cadiou, Lucas Fery, Miriam d'Errico, George Miloshevich and Pradeebane Vayttinada. International partners such as Gabriele Messori (Uppsala University), Erika Coppola (ICTP) and Tommaso Alberti (INGV) greatly contributed towards improving the methodology.
👁️ The Visualization aspects of ClimaMeter trace their origins to the efforts of Marion Saint-Lu, Andreia Hisi, Mathieu Vrac, Gabriele Messori, Patrick Brockmann and Davide Faranda. They contributed their expertise within projects supported by the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace.
📰The Communication of ClimaMeter is handled in collaboration by internationally recognized experts dedicated to highlight the impact of climate change such as Terran Kirksey and Rose Andreatta (Climate Nexus), in collaboration with the acadamic communication teams at LSCE, IPSL, Uppsala University, ICTP and INGV.
ClimaMeter scientific core group
🥼 The Scientific core group of ClimaMeter is composed of a consortium of international partners whose role is to select the extreme events to be analysed, perform the study, write the reports and answer press requests. We are open to collaboration! If you are a climate scientist and wish to join the team as an external collaborator, please contact one of the members of the Scientific core group.
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
🇫🇷🇬🇧Davide Faranda, IPSL-CNRS; London Mathematical Laboratory 📨davide.faranda@lsce.ipsl.fr 🗣️French, Italian, English, Spanish
🇫🇷Mathieu Vrac, IPSL-CNRS 📨mathieu.vrac@lsce.ipsl.fr 🗣️French, English
🇫🇷Pascal Yiou, IPSL-CEA Saclay 📨pascal.yiou@lsce.ipsl.fr 🗣️French, English
🇫🇷Robert Vautard, IPSL-CNRS 📨robert.vautard@lsce.ipsl.fr 🗣️French, English
🇫🇷Flavio Pons, IPSL-CNRS 📨flavio.pons@lsce.ipsl.fr 🗣️Italian, English, French
🇫🇷Greta Cazzaniga, IPSL-CNRS 📨greta.cazzaniga@lsce.ipsl.fr🗣️Italian, English, French
🇫🇷 Robin Noyelle, IPSL-CNRS 📨robin.noyelle@lsce.ipsl.fr🗣️French, English
International Partners (ordered by Institution joining date)
🇸🇪Gabriele Messori, Uppsala University, 📨gabriele.messori@geo.uu.se 🗣️Swedish, French, Italian, English
🇸🇪Meriem Krouma, Uppsala University, 📨meriem.krouma@geo.uu.se 🗣️Arabic, French, English
🇮🇹Erika Coppola , ICTP 📨coppolae@ictp.it 🗣️Italian, English
🇮🇹Chen Lu, ICTP, 📨clu@ictp.it🗣️Chinese, English
🇮🇹Tommaso Alberti, INGV, 📨tommaso.alberti@ingv.it 🗣️Italian, English
🇬🇷Stavros Dafis, Data4Risk & National Observatory of Athens/meteo.gr 📨sdafis@noa.gr 🗣️Greek, English
🇸🇬Gianmarco Mengaldo, National University Singapore 📨 mpegim@nus.edu.sg 🗣️English, Italian
🇸🇬Chen Chen, Centre for Climate Research Singapore 📨 chen_chen@nea.gov.sg 🗣️English
🇨🇭Emmanouil Flaounas, ETH Zürich 📨em.flaounas@hcmr.gr 🗣️Greek, French, English
🇨🇦Rachel White, University of British Columbia 📨 rwhite@eoas.ubc.ca 🗣️ English
🇿🇦Chris Lennard, University of Cape Town 📨 lennard@csag.uct.ac.za 🗣️ English
🇺🇸 Suzana Camargo, Columbia University📨 suzana.camargo@columbia.edu 🗣️ Portuguese, English
🇩🇪 Kai Kornhuber, PIK, Potsdam & Columbia University 📨 kk3397@columbia.edu 🗣️ German, English
🇩🇪 Sara M. Vallejo-Bernal, Leipzig University, Leipzig 📨 sara.vallejo@uni-leipzig.de 🗣️ Spanish, English
🇨🇴 Alejandra M. Carmona, Universiad EAFIT, Medellín 📨 amcarmonad@eafit.edu.co 🗣️ Spanish, English
🇨🇭Alice Portal, Universität Bern, Bern📨 alice.portal@unibe.ch 🗣️ Italian, English
🇷🇴Bogdan Antonescu, Bucharest University, 📨bogdan.antonescu@g.unibuc.ro 🗣️Romanian, English
🇪🇸Carmen Alvarez-Castro, UPO, Sevilla 🗣️Spanish, English, Italian 📨mcalvcas@upo.es
🇬🇧Mireia Ginesta, Oxford University 📨mireia.ginesta@smithschool.ox.ac.uk🗣️Spanish, English
🇬🇧Valerio Lucarini, Leicester University 📨v.lucarini@leicester.ac.uk 🗣️Italian, English
🇦🇷Marisol Osman, CIMA/ CONICET-UBA 📨osman@cima.fcen.uba.ar Spanish, English
Research Projects and Institutions linked to ClimaMeter
XAIDA brings together experts in artificial intelligence, statistics, and climate modeling. Together, they design new methods and apply them to recent high-impact events to examine their connections with climate change. Together we will design new methods and apply them to recent high-impact events to understand the role of climate change. Further, we will study if such events, or even more-intense ones, will occur in the future. We will collaborate with concerned stakeholders from different sectors to prepare risk assessment and adaptation strategies for extreme weather. Xaida has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003469.
EDIPI (european weather Extremes: DrIvers, Predictability and Impacts) is an international consortium aiming to further our holistic understanding of temperature, precipitation (incl. drought) and surface wind extremes over Europe. One of EDIPI’s key goals is to train a cohort of Weather Extreme Experts, who combine a physical understanding of high-impact weather extremes with a practical knowledge of predictability tools and an appreciation of user-relevant information required by the private sector. EDIPI has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No. 956396.
The CNRS project CROIRE creates a bridge between statistical physics, statistics, dynamical systems theory, and climate science to study high-impact persistent climate events such as heatwaves, cold spells, and cyclones triggered by extremely zonal or blocked conditions in mid-latitudes